Wednesday, February 19, 2014

La calle sigue caliente
                                   Raul Diaz-Perera
Las protestas callejeras siguen en las principales ciudades de Venezuela. El gobieno de Maduro empieza a mover varios blindados en espera de la orden de entrar en acción. Se dice que varios cientos de efectivos militares cubanos, como cuerpos especiales con entrenamiento anti-motines han llegado a Caracas. El terreno se prepara para una posible guerra civil.
¿Y Estados Unidos, qué? Hasta el momento, la administración Obama se ha mantenido al margen de las delcaraciones de condena.  El secretario de Estado de EE.UU., John Kerry se limitó a pedirle al Gobierno de Venezuela que libere a los manifestantes opositores detenidos durante los disturbios ocurridos esta semana y que restaure la calma en el país, lo cual es una pérdida de tiempo. Maduro le hizo el caso del perro y expulsó a tres diplomáticos estadounidenses. 

La violencia parece no ceder y hechos como la muerte de una reina de belleza local, Génesis Carmona que recibió un disparo en la cabeza, presuntamente de un paramilitar afín al gobierno de Maduro, pueden empeorar la situación. Si Maduro  ve su poder peligrar, va a recurrir a medidas más fuertes de represión. 
Hay peligro de guerra civil y lo que suceda en Venezuela puede significar una intervención de EE.UU. país que recibe exportaciones masivas de su petróleo. Si las tropas mercenarias cubanas u otras de los gobiernos izquierdistas de América Latina se involucran en el proceso, los EE.UU. no podrán permanecer indiferentes.

Leopoldo López, antes de entregarse
Génesis Carmona es llevada a un hospital donde falleció 
El líder opositor Leopoldo López se entrego ayer a las autoridades, después de pronunciar un discurso en el que hizo un llamado a manifestarse pacíficamente.  Que la paz de las manifestaciones se mantenga está por ver. Los seguidores de Maduro, no han dado muestras de propiciar un diálogo con la oposición y siguen blando de "complot nazi-fascista de la derecha", cuando el núcleo de las protestas está formado por estudiantes. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Rafael Prieto Zartha: El lúgubre destino de las ratas Por Rafael Prieto...

Rafael Prieto Zartha: El lúgubre destino de las ratas Por Rafael Prieto...: "El lúgubre destino de las ratas Por Rafael Prieto Zartha Para los que creen que la actitud contra los indocumentados carece de tintes d..."
November 17th, 2010 | PostAuthorIcon Author: Bruce_Mauriello
llegal immigration is one of the hottest issues in the US. Heavily debated and contested, illegal immigration still has no solution in the US. Though illegal immigration graphs portray a decaying graph that shows the numbers are declining, but still illegal immigration has not been completely abolished here. Illegal immigration is a very serious issue because it actually affects the present and the future of the US’s native citizens and legal immigrants.
The common man is the most affected, but still no one ever listens to what they plead for. This has been happening ever since illegal immigration started in the US.
Illegal immigration is such a controversial and roasted issue that each and every thing about it makes it to the headlines. Illegal immigration news directly affects the natives and their future and therefore they are very curious to know about it. There are only a very few illegal immigration news that doesn’t make the headlines, rest all are on the headlines and are projected as the most important news headlines of the day. Though the US government has not been able to implement some substantial laws that can actually improve the conditions for the legal and the native citizens of the US, but they are constantly doing some or the other thing about it.
John McCain is re-contenting for the election in the Arizona and has already handed over his powers to Lindsay Graham till the elections end, for not allowing any more issues to crop up. Even John Hawkins in the starting of the year 2010 posted around 5 reasons why no amnesty should be proffered to illegal immigrants. All such illegal immigration news has managed to attract the limelight and reached the top.
President Obama has even asked to increase the secured communities. He issued 30% increase in the funding for immigration and custom enforcement.
CIS conducted a study, which revealed that the illegal immigrants were the worst hit by recession. Since unemployment rate mounted, they were the first ones who lost their jobs in the wake of the recession. Some findings revealed that illegal aliens are not actually contributing to the increased crime rate in the city. It is the native citizens only who are the reason behind most murders and other crime acts in the country. This widely debated topic of illegal immigration keeps on surfacing day in and day out through such illegal immigration news.
But the fact that nothing much has been done for abolishing it or even controlling it, is never debated much. As a result, things are actually deteriorating in the US. Illegal immigration news that we all glue ourselves to on our TV sets and in the newspapers only portray the latest small and big stances that are been taken for the same cause. But the major point that the US government has not been able to get rid of illegal immigrants till date never makes the headlines. Politicians are still fighting, government as a whole is quite, protesters are protesting, illegal aliens haven’t stopped their infringement, but it is only the common US citizen who is the most affected and is the most concerned about illegal immigration. But they are helpless and all that they can do is complaint and wait for things to improve.